Tips for Securing High-Profile PR Coverage for Your Business or Brand 

Securing high-profile PR coverage can significantly elevate your business, enhancing credibility and expanding your reach. But landing coverage in top-tier media outlets isn’t straightforward. It requires a strategic approach rooted in understanding what the media needs and positioning your brand effectively. Here are some practical tips to help your business achieve that coveted high-profile exposure: 1. Craft a Compelling Story At the heart of any high-profile media feature is a captivating story. Journalists and editors sift through countless pitches daily, and only those that stand out … Read more

Dental Journals – Its Importance


Dental publications serve many important purposes not just forthe professionals operating in the field but also for the societyas a whole. It does the most important task of furthering thelevels of skills and education possessed by the professional. Also,in some cases, it helps the lay man to understand various aspectsabout maintain their dental part aptly. These journals are reallyhelpful I keeping the dentists and other professionals in the fieldupdated with the latest technology up gradations that have come upin the field. The knowledge of these … Read more

The Madness Of Monarto Zoo


The South Australian Monarto Zoo has announced that it plans tobuy an additional 450 hectares of land, which will make it theworld’s largest open-range zoo. Nothing strange about that, butwhat is strange is the Zoo’s plans for the 450 hectares.Heather Caddick, President of the Royal Zoological Society ofSouth Australia, said that the zoo would be “an authenticAfrican wildlife experience..with free roaming Serengetianimals.” This bizarre concept is being supported by theSouth Australian Tourism Commission.You have to wonder what is in the water in South Australia.People go … Read more

Want a better marketing : Dont be vanilla


There’s nothing wrong with vanilla ice cream. It’s classic andthere’s nothing like a good scoop of old fashioned vanilla on somepeach cobbler.However, we’re using it here as a metaphor. Inan age where news stations receive literally thousands of pressreleases and requests for coverage every day, if you want toutilize the latest Dallas media relationsstrategies, that’s one flavor you just can’t be — plainvanilla.While Googling around, we ran across some ice cream shops that havegotten some tasty news coverage by being different — even withoutour Dallas … Read more

Want a better Publicity? Pick the Low Hanging Fruit


Sounds simple enough, right? But what does it mean? When Iretired from TV news last summer to start a company as a Dallaspublic relations consultant, I promised myself to always grab theeasy stuff for my clients first—in other words, the stuff themedia is already giving you.Feeding FrenziesWhen reporters are going crazy about one topic, you can’t beat’em…so you might as well join them. For instance, this is theanniversary week of the government’s raid on the polygamist sect inWest Texas. Oprah got an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour … Read more

Sikh militancy (1984- 1995) and its media coverage


This is a research that I have carried and forward on my blog.This research is about the media coverage that the period of sikhmilitancy ( 1984 – 1995) in India received. I will update this postas and when I have anything further to write. One should know thatthe period of Sikh militancy was one of the darkest periods inIndian history, the effects of which are felt till even today inIndia and abroad. The research is as follows:ABSTRACT Consequent to the 9/11 attacksand the subsequent war … Read more

Disability: Human Rights and Social Responsibility


ndia is not far behind as the statistics shows it has over 90million disabled persons, barely one percent of whom areemployed.The disability rights debate is not so much about the enjoyment ofspecific rights as it is about ensuring the equal effectiveenjoyment of all human rights, without discrimination, by peoplewith disabilities. The non-discrimination principle helps makehuman rights in general relevant in the specific context ofdisability. Non-discrimination, and the equal effective enjoymentof all human rights by people with disabilities, is long-overduereform in the way disability and the … Read more

Delhi News Website at Rajdhani Delhi


Internet has become a great source of information and news. Itis basically the cheapest source of information and in fact thebest too. Lots of information is available here in detail withoutmuch hassles. People today access the internet frequently. Actuallythey are usually always connected to it through cell phones,tablets or laptops. This makes news viewing so very apt on theinternet. A person can access this information from any place atany point of time. This flexibility is the best part of internetnews. No matter where the person … Read more

Get the Latest News in Delhi Online


Internet has become somewhat a necessity today. Almost all theeducated people today make use of the internet in some way or theother. It has become something that is indispensible from aperson’s life. In the context of information or news,internet has proved to be a great source.No doubt news and information is a necessity of present dayliving and there are a number of sources from where a person canget it like internet, television, radio, newspapers and many more.However if a person wants to get up to … Read more

The Wonderful Strategies of Add People SEO


The Addpeople SEO strategies are especially praiseworthy because ofthe manner they are handled. For instance, due importance is givento make sure each small step is carried with utmost care. To add tothis initiative, various link building SEO strategies are adopted.This in turn has an incremental effect of a website’sperformance by boosting its web presence in the cyberspace.Keyword Density Checker, Website Keyword Suggestions, SimilarPage Checker, Backlink Builder, URL Rewriting Tool, is some of theSEO tools adopted to bring around an improvement in performance ofwebsites.Likewise, to make … Read more