Who is tampering with your valuables? – a users guide to tamper evident labels and seals


Ever been concerned that items you store, post or courier are being opened and viewed by people you don’t want to? Its human nature to be protective over sensitive information or valuable goods, and many companies are now wising up to the risks of sensitive commercial information falling into the wrong hands. From product pilfering of valuable goods in the supply chain to sealing of confidential client notes, we quite regularly want to ensure that what we want to remain secret, stays secret.Of course the … Read more

Intellectual Property will soon be History


It is not to risky to affirm that intellectual property will soon be History.Rules designed for the paper era are not useful, enforceable and cost-economic in the Web era.Here are a few reasons:1) Intellectual property is not designed for the Web timesI strongly believe that intellectual property will soon be history, not because Anarchism will succeed over Capitalism, but because the Net Economy will find new ways to control ownership of words and patents.Words alone are mostly worthless. Nobody is able to make money out … Read more

Copyright Procedures; Quick and Easy


The digital age of cyber publishing and intellectual property raises many questions about copyrighting. If you have never published anything in your life, you still hold copyrights. If you do publish your work, how do you know your copyrights are in place? Copyrighting is not complicated or difficult, there is a quick and easy way to copyright any creative material you produce.Copyright law in the United States is extremely generous toward the creators and owners of new works. Legal copyright protection is in effect immediately … Read more

No win No fee solicitors – Get the maximum compensation


We know that in this rushing world accident is become verycommon in life. Almost everyone faces major or minor accident inlife. Yeah what ever the reason but accident does not leave anygood thing on victim. Accident is not always person’s fault, manytime person have to face accident because of other’s fault or someunwanted situation. In minor accident, person survive with minor orno injury but in major accident, person looses access and lifealso. Not only children but adult also faces major and minoraccident.Unfortunately, if you have … Read more

Do You Have Patent Rights For Sale?


Before you do anything protect you invention, do a world wide patent search and build a prototype that works. Draw and describe your invention and have it notarized. Send a copy to the Mail Stop DD program at the patent office. Then file the utility patent. The hard reality to face is your Invention must be proven before any company is going to buy your Patent Rights. You must get the product tooled and packaged and selling in stores and prove the public wants your … Read more

Buying A House In Spain


If you have been sitting at home watching the TV about owning a property abroad as a holiday home or maybe to live, chances are Spain would have been one of you considerations. It is cheaper to live in Spain than many North European countries and is on par with Florida. Then when you consider that some world authorities have labelled certain parts of Spain as one of the healthiest places to live in the world, there is no doubt why more and more of … Read more

Tips On White Collar Crime


The word white collar crime was first used in 1939 when EdwinSutherland, a sociologist of the symbolic interactions school gavea speech to the American Sociological Association. In that speechhe referred white collar crimes as crimes committed by a highlyrespectable and high status individual in the course of hisoccupation.Today, authorities and people in general can commit white collarcrimes even when they are not related to their corporateoccupations. Crimes include fraud, embezzlement charges, bankruptcyfraud, bribery, insider trading, and computer crimes.It also includes medical crime, public corruption, identitytheft, … Read more

Business dispute? Call a Commercial Litigation Attorney Today!


One of the fastest growing legal fields, commercial litigationencompasses legal disputes that are related to business issues.This includes breaches of contract, class actions, employmentdisputes, franchise issues, partner disputes, debt collection,business dissolution, civil RICO, breach of fiduciary duty,shareholder issues, non-compete clauses, and more. Although it is abit more specific than Business Law, which includes the drafting ofcontracts and other agreements, a commercial litigation attorneymust be a jack-of-all-trades. He must be well acquainted withbusiness and contract law in order to ply his trade.Generally considered a branch of … Read more

Know More about Part buy part rent and Get the Property Ownership


Shared ownership London is also known as the part buy part rentservices helps the people who find it difficult to afford completeproperty at one time. It is more profitable for the middle classpeople who are planning to get the ownership of the home or makesome kind of investment. In this article you will get detailedinformation about this scheme and how it can benefit you.What is Part Buy Part Rent?Shared Ownership London is the scheme offered by HousingAssociation. It is mostly for the people who cannot … Read more

Energy Performance Certificate in Relation to UK Property


The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) was first introduced inEngland and Wales on 1 August 2007 for domestic properties alongwith the now obsolete Home Information Packs (HIPs). Although HIPsconcluded as a criteria in May 2010 the actual necessity for EPCswent on, and from October 2008 rental properties were also neededto possess a certificate for any new tenancy agreement. These newregulations are formed in response to an EU directive with regardsto the energy performance of buildings. The British Governmentcomplied through these new regulations through the EnergyPerformance of … Read more