Practice yoga to loose weight


Yoga has been one of the foremost ways in helping people looseweight, without straining their bodies. Yoga and weight loss havegone hand-in-hand in keeping a fit body, mind and soul. There arenumerous Yoga exercises which help the people in great way formaintaining the perfect body mass index and thus, making them feelreally good about themselves. Yoga always induces a sense of funand so it is relatively easier to maintain as a regular habit.Besides, Yoga like Asthanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga areeasier to master and … Read more

Yoga Music and its benefits


The practice of yoga and meditation have helped individuals leadblissful lives throughout ages. The ancient philosophy of yoga andmeditation have been the primary reason for a person’s healthy mindand body. Through regular practice of Yoga and meditation, anindividual can gain deeper insights as his mind, body and soul getsspiritually enlightened. The person comes at peace with his ownselfand can thus discover the real truths of life.In realms of yoga,music plays an important role. Music soothes the mind andrejuvenates the body and the mind. Every music … Read more

7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras


“Men of great knowledge actually found out about the chakras -their workings, their petals, their sounds, their infinity, theirco-relationship, their powers. They found that the life of a humanis totally based on these chakras. They developed into a wholescience. This total science gave birth to Kundalini Yoga. That ishow Kundalini Yoga was born.” – Yogi BhajanThe human body is acomplex system encompassing vast energy systems that are notimmediately perceptible with our limited eyes. The chakras areenergy vortices powered by prana,or life force. By clearing theenergy … Read more

Top 5 Kundalini Yoga DVDs


‘Kundalini’ means the power which resides in the human body inthe form of a coiled serpent in Muladhara Chakra, the first of theseven chakras. And Kundalini Yoga is a type of traditional yogapractice of physical discipline through meditation. It is thesubdivision of Hatha yoga describing a set of advanced yogaexercises. It is a pure spiritual science guiding one toself-enlightenment and realizing the Supreme with the help of aspiritual master. The awakening of kundalini means enlightening theinner knowledge of human being. By meditating one can create … Read more

Awaken Your Intuition with Kundalini Sadhana Music


Kundalini means coiled like a snake or serpent. Over 50,000years ago, the Vedic sages in India developed the science and artof Kundalini yoga. It is the art of awakening the consciousnesslying in the base of the spine in the form of a coiled serpent bymeans of various physical and mental practices. There are variousproven methods of awakening this Kundalini energy. Practicingasanas, dhyana, pranayama are some of the old-tested methods ofraising this dormant energy from Muladhara chakra through variousother five chakras upto the Sahasrara chakra or … Read more

Meditation and Yoga Music in elevating and healing the mind and soul


Yoga has been at the fore-front in emancipating the lives ofmillions of people throughout the ages. Many people havetremendously benefited from regular practice of Yoga andmeditation. Yoga derives from the ancient word “yuj” meaning”union”. The aim of the various Yoga forms, such as Kundalini Yoga,Hatha yoga and Ashtanga Yoga is to unite the mind and the body withthe universal consciousness. This enables the person to achieveenlightenment and the person experiences eternal peace andtranquility. The time old practice of yoga and meditation is ahealing system that … Read more

What is Kundalini meditation


Yoga refers to a set of physical and mental exercises that tendsto unite the body,mind and the soul. The five thousand years oldscience of yoga has lived through generations because of theimmense benefits that mankind has derived from it. Any yoga forms,be it Kundalini Yoga, Hatha yoga or Ashthanga Yoga, it helps aperson in re-inventing oneself, making the person healthy, happyand holy. Yoga derives from the Sanskrit word, “Yuj” meaning “tounite” or “unity”. The unity here is the union of the body and themind. Meditation, … Read more

Yoga, Music & Yogi Tea – a way to entice your senses


Yoga is the union of the body, mind and soul. It is an ancientsystem, which includes breathing practices, physical exercises andpostures that paves the way for an individual to attain union withthe divine. Yoga practice promotes the control of the body and themind. Yoga practice through meditation and asanas, cleanses themind and prepares the practitioner for attaining the knowledge ofthe self.Today, in the world of immense competition, human beings areeasily subjected to anxiety and stress more than often. Yogapractice eliminates all negative vibes and in … Read more

Soothe and Relax Your Inner-Self with Spirit Voyage Music


Music is a new entrant in two age old practices – yoga andmeditation. Both these two meditative disciplines have beenpracticed for the last 5,000 years. Since Vedic era till date,human beings are reaping myriad benefits of the ancient Easternart, Yoga. Meditation is an intellectual part of this physicalpractice. When some refer yoga as a physical art, some people sayit is a Vedic philosophy. Even for its scientific base, yoga isalso perceived as a science of health and healing. In a word, yogais a boon for … Read more

Boost your memory with yoga music


Ages ago the Vedic sages invented an art as well as philosophyof balancing human mind, body and soul. This art cum philosophy isknown as yoga. The word yoga was derived from a Sanskrit word ‘yuj’which means to unite, to bind or to join. It is helpful in manyways for the human kind like it ensures physical fitness as well asmental balance. Yoga has the magical power of warding off all kindof tensions and worries from the mind thus making it calm andrelaxed. Yoga practiced with … Read more