Why Everest Base Camp Trek is the Perfect Adventure for Australians

The Everest Base Camp trek is not just a journey; it’s an experience that resonates with thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike. For Australians, who have a penchant for outdoor activities and adventures, this trek offers a chance to conquer the majestic Himalayan trails while immersing in a culture vastly different from their own. The Allure of Everest Base Camp The sheer thought of standing in the shadows of the world’s tallest peak, Mount Everest, is exhilarating. The journey to its base camp promises breathtaking scenery, diverse terrain, … Read more

The Nicknames of Cricket Teams : Which Name is most Beautiful?

In world cricket, every International team carries a unique nickname that reflects their heritage, culture, or characteristics. These nicknames are a source of pride for fans and players alike, symbolizing their identity on the global stage. Here’s a look at the iconic nicknames of major cricketing nations: Australia – The Baggy Greens or Aussies Australia’s nickname, “The Baggy Greens,” comes from their iconic green caps worn in Test cricket. It signifies tradition, excellence, and dominance in the cricketing world. Afghanistan – The Afghans or The Blue … Read more

Wakeboarding: A Guide for Beginners to Advanced Riders

Wakeboarding has taken off with water sports enthusiasts, it’s speed, skill and style all in one. Whether you’re riding behind a boat or hitting the ramps at a cable park wakeboarding is a world of fun. This guide will help you choose the right board, learn the different riding styles and find the right equipment to take your wakeboarding to the next level. Choosing the Right Wakeboard Choosing the right wakeboard is the first decision. Wakeboards come in all sizes, for the rider’s weight, skill … Read more

Hazards of Extreme Ironing


Extreme ironing is an activity which combines a household chorewith the danger and spirit of an extreme sport. Allegedly inventedin Britain, extreme ironing helps you to keep fit whilst lookingsmart at the same time!Part of the attraction and interest the media has towardsextreme ironing seems to centre on the issue of whether it isreally a sport or not, and the overall concept is widely consideredto be lighthearted and whimsical. The sport of extreme ironinginvolves taking your iron and ironing board to anout-of-the-ordinary location where you … Read more

Training A Coyote Hunting Dog


As most of you already know by now, coyotes are one type ofnuisance animal that ranchers and farmers hunt in order to preventloss of livestock, or even loss of small-sized pets. Huntingcoyotes with a dog is a recent trend that it is conducted in to twodistinct methods. While some encourage focusing on the dog huntingmethod, in which a pack of dogs attacks & kills coyotes, otherappreciate that the coyote dogging method is more efficient, amethod in which the dog aids to draw the animal back … Read more

now begin


The begin of Le tour the langkawi the malaysian tou of thisyear,Italian Mattia Gavazzi of team Diquigiovanni-Androni won thefirst stage of the Tour de Langkawi cycling race in Malaysia’sadministrative capital of Putrajaya on Monday.Australian Chris Sutton from Garmin Slipstream took secondplace.Gavazzi won the 133.8 kilometre (83.14 mile) stage in threehours, six minutes and 42 seconds.The seven-stage race began in Putrajaya, south of Kuala Lumpuron Monday and heads south to the tourist town of Malacca, thennorth to the Genting Highlands, before ending on February 15 in … Read more

Seven rules for newbie mountain biker


Taking the first step is usually the most difficult to do, so Ihave put together the basic mountain biking skills which you mustpossess to get started. Those matters are very clear for somepeople, but very helpful for beginners.1. Better brake to faster rideLike a sports car which has two things in common: big enginesand high performance brakes. In this way if you can walk fast, youmust able to slow down quickly. There is no sport car eligible torun at high speed without a good set … Read more

The benefits of skating for kids


Skating can be done in many forms such as ice skating, rollerblading, inline skating and many more. Many children skate just tohave fun with their family and friends but a high proportion ofkids will go on to take up skating either as a sport or at aprofessional level.With the advent of affordable computer games and electronicpastimes many children have started to lead sedentary lifestyleswhich can lead to obesity and, in later life, health problems suchas heart disease. If children start out their life being overweightthey … Read more

Enjoy the outdoors with the family and get fit


If you have children you will no doubt be a frequent visitor tothe local park anyway. It is great for the kids to run around andlet off some steam but what do you do while they are enjoyingthemselves? Sit on a park bench and natter with a friend? Wanderaimlessly around watching passers-by? Why not use it as some timeto get fit and join in with the kid’s fun? Instead of walkingaway from the swings when the kids get on them why not jump on onetoo … Read more

Bowling: A Great Choice of Interactive Games for Children


Bowling is a favorite family activity, one of the interactivegames for children that is still popular after so many years. Whileto some, bowling might have become a forgotten past time, bowlingis actually one of best physical and mental activities –especially for those with a family.One of the most popular interactive games for children is bowling.As one of the most popular and adaptable sports in the world,adults appreciate the atmosphere of a bowling alley and appreciatethat their children can also partake in the sport. There are … Read more