The Exclusive Human Appetite: Money, Power, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs, Food, Guilt


Mode Of Cosmic Therapy Esoteric TruthsBecause of the many unanticipated, disappointing, discouraging,heartbreaking, defeating and perplexing circumstances that havearisen in your life, you could have very well developed apersonality that projects pessimism, sadness, intolerance,cynicism, indifference and a certain amount of ungovernedirritability. In other words, instead of vibrating as the highlycharged sexually erotic artistic magnet you inherently are createdto be, you have become bland and lifeless. In addition to beingstoically numbed and self-servingly apathetic, you add insult toinjury by feeding voraciously upon an ‘exclusive humanappetite’ like a … Read more

Feet of Experience: Walking The Cosmic Path!


Wake UP! Stand accounted for. What are you doing? Where areYou?Who is this person who calls itself by your familiarized name?What are you experiencing? You half-dazedly arise in themorning,follow a ritualistic meaningless routine of sorts,robotically mannered, you semi-function on auto-pilot without theslightest recognition of the magnificent ineffable occasion ofrapturous splendor you grievously miss by overloading your mindwithanother: “things to do today list”. You stumblemummified into the day without an inkling of conscious awareness,appreciation or acknowledgement of the stupendously affordedopportunity you have set before you. You … Read more

Love “


MODE of Cosmic Therapy: The Placated Things We do forSo-Called LoveWe all play head games; some are just better at it, than others.We work really hard to make ourselves feel important, special,indispensably irreplaceable but at the same time, know perfectlywell it’s all a mirage. (One created, subsisted, flowered,embellished and maintained by us). However, as we move along thisstaunchly irretrievable revealing journey of life, we are bombardedby the so-called hidden projections we “Think” we havesecretly held locked away in our heart. These ‘visions ofpretended precious splendor’ … Read more

Simple Unhinged Truth Activated: X-Ray of Bare EXPERIENCE


MODE of Cosmic Therapy: Discovering HowMuch…To approach life as simply, unpretentiously and uninfluenced aspossible contains the true seed of serenity. No other tree canflower so magnanimously as the tree of simple life. To remove allthe unnecessary ‘pomp’ excess from one’s life,produces such an ethereal quasar existence as to be astounded bythe sheer enormity of saturated peace from the living experiment.To realize that one could actually be so happy, so calm, so relaxedradiating such incomprehensible harmony renders an intoxicatinglyappealing contemplative mind is true reverent joy. To … Read more

True Knowledge: Who Gets, Needs or Wants It?


MODE of Cosmic Therapy: Understanding the Role We Playin Revealing TruthNo one has the definitive answer. At best, all knowledgeis speculative and presumed. Until more is revealed throughextended unbiased research and ill-defined unexpected discovery, westumble through the dark making up what works and whatdoesn’t, we try to avoid, deny or dismiss. In essence, wemust ‘work with what we got’ until the mule’splow turns over the hardened unmoved dirt in the uncultivated acresin order to face the light of day. We, along with ourpresuppositions, must face … Read more

Nothing Is Nothing!


Life is Everything It’s Not!The moment you seek something it flees. The moment you speak aword it dissolves. The moment you view a situation, it shifts. Themoment you encounter a person, the probability of ever knowing thatperson diminishes. Your unwarranted interference disables therelevancy of the truth of which it represents.You are far removed from the very thought of what you imagineand flaunt. You are the incomprehensible simplicity of nothing.You, acting as the martyred buffer in your relationships, sanctifythe image you maintain. {The inviolate MIRROR}Your life, … Read more

Psychological Art of Undistorted Communicating in Relationship


MODE of Cosmic Therapy: Finding and Using AuthenticPassionUndeniable passion is what guides every human being; it issimply expressed in a variety of ways. Sometimes, it’s noteven seen but felt as an overwhelming presence. You know perfectlywell what I’m talking about; you can feel the vibrantintensity in the room. Some people call that chemistry. I say it isunadulterated passion. We would all be cardboard boxes without theeffervescent energy flowing though us. We all want and need toexpress this electrified energy. A sacred sensual sexual artisticforce that … Read more

Gag on a Gnat, Swallow a Camel: Facing the Inherent Truth in Lies


Why do we abhor falsity; first in ourselves, then in others?Could it be because we are so conditioned to desire some sort ofgoverned security that any hint of a ‘break in thatfoundation’ causes in us an unsettling fear of unmentionableproportion? We strive endlessly to protect the lies we have createdand surrounded for ourselves, we will do just about anything, shortof murder to keep our beloved fortress in tact. We conduct ourlives in such a pristine manner, trying to do things right, asclose to perfect as … Read more

J.O.Y.(Jokes On You! )


Living the Life You Never LivedWe are all scared shitless of doing what we truly want to do.So, we load ourselves with untold obligations, responsibilities,duties and unnecessary burdens; all of which are nothing less thansuperficial contrived efforts to thwart our most cherished dreams.We hide ourselves under the ‘supposed bed of considerationand concern’ while our most passionate instincts go untappedand unfulfilled. The pulsating, gyrating vein of our sexuallyignited creativity becomes twisted and distorted transforming anddisfiguring us into a creature of unrecognizable origin. And, thenwe wonder why … Read more

Art is Life: Retrieving the Artistic Impetus


MODE of Cosmic Therapy: An Esoteric View of the Divine Art inMan”Painting makes absent men present and the dead seem alive,”wrote Leon Battist Albert, the fifteenth-century Italian humanist.”I paint to preserve the likeness of men after their death,” wroteAlbrecht Duer in sixteenth-century Germany. As long as we, mortalsbreathe, we will create. Unrecognized artists are constantly atwork creating their specific themes in their homes, yards, workplaces and preferred colorful activities to alert the world oftheir arrival and temporary abode on earth. The Parthenon was builtto house … Read more