best astrologer, Indian astrology in Hindi, popular astrologer in India

  Why Shuru App is the Best Platform to Find Astrologers in India India has a magnificent tradition of astrology, with an inveterate belief regarding the influence of celestial bodies upon human life. From Vedic astrology to Vastu Shastra, astrology has played an important role in Indian culture. With the growing demand for astrological guidance, searching for a trustworthy and reliable astrologer is the most important. Here, the Shuru App rises as the best choice for connecting with astrologers in India, thus ensuring a free … Read more

Astrology Horoscope – Know Your Life in a Better Way


It is very hard to predict the future in an advance withoutknowing the past or the present. It is obvious that every people isintertwined in its past and is much worried about its future. Wellif you are looking forward to know your past in an advance or tryto make some correction to make the life better, go for aprediction about your future of the present which is still tocome.Well if you are much worried about your future, you have theoption and that is surely going … Read more

Surviving The End Of The World, Surviving 2012


The 12th of December, 2012 is the date that several scientistsall across the globe have predicted as the date for the end of theworld. The source of this prediction is the Mayan calendar that theMayans constructed many centuries ago as a complex calendar thatseems rather mysterious for the researchers of today. According tothe calendar a cataclysmic event is scheduled for the 12th ofDecember, 2012.This Mayan prediction has been agreed upon by quite a lot ofscientists. A future alignment of the earth, sun and the center … Read more

Stop Pretending/Whining! Use Your Indefatigable Sacred Sublime Sexual Force To Get With The Program!


In the midst of your ever non-stopping planning, contrivingevolving human mind’s bent of preferred desired ‘hopesand aspirations’ snared momentum, a subtle sacred sexualartistic force of underlying determined intent (directly inopposition to you) operates bafflingly nudging you into aprecarious position ‘not yet known’ to you. Why else doyou think you have such unsettling energy?Though the opposition isrelevant to your presupposed walk, you are not in tune with itsturbulent force but are trying to pull against it.While you are busily engaged, trying to push your way through … Read more

Astrology – The Science That Can Change Your Life


Astrology is not just only an art but it is also a science thatcan change the life of the human being. It is also considered to bean important element of life as most of the things that are doneare often considered according to the result drawn after prolongedreading of stars, moon, sunshine and the positing of the sun andother solar bodies. It is true that most of the people do hardlyfollow these reading as they considered it irrelevant but one whohave belief benefits greatly.Since time … Read more



I dream that I went to Heaven and an angel was showingme around. We walkedside-by-side inside a large workroom filledwith angels.My angel guide stopped in front of the first sectionand said, ‘This Is theReceiving Section. Here, all petitions toAllah said in prayer arereceived.’I looked around in this area, andit was terribly busy with so many angelssorting out petitionswritten on voluminous paper sheets and scraps frompeople all overthe world.Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reachedthe second section.The angel then said to me, … Read more

2012 End of the World Predictions – Are They Credible?


Now that the whole world is anticipating for the upcoming year2012; when different prophecies cave in about its potential massdestruction, there are still several people who are reluctant aboutthis occurrence. You should know that with these ongoing rumorscontinued to spread, more and more people are being attracted bythe idea that the world will really end in 2012. There are many2012 end of the world predictions that has been circulating aroundand all of these rumors have one common thought; the earth willsuffer a catastrophic happening that … Read more

The Horrendous Truth: ‘Hall Of Mate Mirrors’ Looking At You In The 7th House


MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: YOU Are The Other!It has often been said, I say it all the time, that IF youreally want to know a person, look at his/her mate. As startling asthat tidbit of information may be, the piercing truth stands whilethe rest of the ‘crock of bull’ falls away. You are NOdifferent from the person(s) facing you at the moment. Any moment.You are, in fact, speaking out loud to yourself when inconversation. Dialogue both inner and outer is a syllabi process.As with day … Read more

Online Love Psychic Readings, Predictions and Chat


The universe holds the answers to all your questions; it knowsyour past and can see your future. And not only that, the universeis brimming with excitement to tell you all about it, only if youknow how to ask and how to listen. There are gifted people in thisworld who can unlock the secrets of your life and opportunities bycommunicating with the universe. These psychic readers can openyour heart and mind to a whole new world. These are extraordinaryand unique techniques of prediction and styles of … Read more

Planet’s Position During Birth: Does it Really Affect my Personality & Destiny?


Nothing is out of order or out of season. When it is time forsomething to happen, it happens. No matter how much you would liketo prevent the occurrence or expedite its arrival, the eventtranspires exactly and precisely when it is time. Although lifeappears to be chaotic and unorganized, nothing could be furtherfrom the underlying truth. Everything is cosmically connected andintricately dispersed. All things are interconnected as QuantumPhysics proposes in the String Theory.When it is time for something to happen, it happens. No matterhow much you … Read more