Iraq Reduced the Marriage Age

Iraq’s parliament has recently passed a law that lowers the minimum age of marriage for girls to nine years old for Shia Muslims, while Sunni Muslims have a minimum age of 15. Critics argue that it will increase child marriages and undermine the rights of women and girls. As of January 24, 2025, the law has met widespread condemnation from human rights activists and women’s rights groups, who claim that it will have disastrous effects on the rights of women and girls in Iraq. Here’s … Read more

The Legal Implications of Divorce vs Annulment: Understanding Your Options

Deciding whether to end a marriage can be challenging and stressful. You may find yourself wondering about two common options: divorce vs annulment. Each option has its own legal implications, which can greatly affect your life moving forward. It’s vital to know their differences. It helps in making informed decisions during this tough time. This article will explore the legal differences in marriage dissolution. It will discuss the annulment process steps. It will also outline how to check if you meet the annulment eligibility criteria. … Read more

How to Write A Message of Congratulation For A Wedding


You can imagine that your best friend is going to get marry andasking you to express words of congratulations for his/herwedding.Below are step-by-step on how to write a message.Specific ObjectivesFirstly, you must know what is the objective for writing thewedding congratulation message.Context and taskYour old best friend of your twin school got married. As afriendship symbolic, you have been asked by he/she to write acongratulation message.Performing the task* Search: Use Google to find examples ofcongratulation messages. … You can write simple words like:”wedding”, “congratulations” …* … Read more

Bachelorette Party Ideas


Bachelorette Parties are not quite the time honored tradition ofbachelor parties but they are increasing in popularity. Whilebachelor parties date back as early as the 1800s as a final nightof debauchery for the soon to be groom and his friends,bachelorette parties have only become popular recently and theyseem to be more about embarrassing the soon to be bride thanenjoying a final night of freedom. It is true that some brideschoose to partake in a raunchy night of frivolity including maleexotic dancers and large quantities of … Read more

How to Decorate Your Wedding Car


When it comes to decorating wedding cars there are two distinctways to do it; dependent upon whether the car is carrying the brideto the ceremony, or whether it’s the vehicle in which thehappy couple are making their getaway from the reception! In thefirst instance the dressing is distinctly formal and in the secondit should be as completely mischievous as possible!The wedding car taking the bride to the church should bedecorated according to the wishes of the bride and should reflectboth her personality and the wedding … Read more

Get the best ideas for bridal favor boxes


When the different gifts for the wedding knocks the doors of thebrides and grooms, then opening up with fresh and unique ideas forwedding favors become one of the most important tasks. When it isthe matter of different ideas for wedding favors, then weddingboxes are found to be taking the front seat in many regards. Whenit is the matter of bridal favor boxes, then you can always aweyour guests with your hand-made wedding box at each table. Thiskind of customized gifts can make the guests enjoy … Read more

Plan Ahead And Stick To Your Wedding Budget


When you’re thinking about organising your wedding there aresure to be a million and one things on your mind and it can be hardto work out exactly where your priorities lie. From flowers todresses and meals to vows there are many facets to creating a dreamwedding, but the best way to go about getting what you want is tomake sure you approach the preparations for the big day in amethodical manner. You might not be a big fan of making lists, butwithout them remembering all … Read more

How to Plan Great Sacramento Weddings


Getting married is one of the happiest events in anyone’slife, but it can be hard to decide on everything, but that’snot a problem with Sacramento weddings.More than that, it takesmonths to figure out all the details like rings, favors, andSacramento wedding dresses, unless you have help.Luckily, there are a lot of resources out there for you to takeadvantage of to make sure all Sacramento weddings are as perfect aspossible.If you look around online, it won’t take you long tofind tens or even hundreds of sites … Read more

Recreate your special day in photographs with Wedding Photography “


Your wedding is the most extraordinary day of your life. Youwould surely want to keep all the wonderful moments of D-day freshand alive, and wedding photographs can surely make you relive thosemoments. Wedding photography is a tremendously important job whichrequires care and an enormous amount of ingenuity with anunderstanding of human emotions. Capture the unforgettable momentson the special day of the special couple is not easy, but veryimportant. Every couple wants extremely well shot pictures ofthemselves and the guests. So it is essential to choose … Read more

Santorini Weddings A Once in a Lifetime Experience


Weddings in Santorini island of Greece are so famous due to theextravagantly romantic scenes and ambiance in the islanditself.You don’t have to worry if you have a different culture inwedding ceremony; they can provide Santorini weddings in manydifferent styles such as civil wedding, Orthodox Wedding, CatholicWedding and even a Vow Renewal Ceremony, there are manycoordinators around Santorini that are happy enough to provideservices and all the necessary to organize your dream Santoriniwedding.When you avail to one of those Santorini wedding planners andcoordinators they will surely … Read more