DUI Lawyers – Lifesavers When Needed!


DUI refers to Driving under the Influence. This is a term thatis used by many states for being legally intoxicated or impairedwhile driving a motor vehicle. In certain states DUI is alsoreferred to as DWI which means Driving While Intoxicated. Thethreshold for legal intoxication is when breath test or urine testor a blood test registers a blood alcohol content of 0.08%. DUI isconsidered as a very serious offense. Any person, who is chargedwith a DUI or driving drunk, can lose his driver’s license orbe jailed … Read more

LBJ and Restraining Orders


Porter Stansberry a financial writer that I follow had this tosay about do gooders: “Good intentions, along with her handmaidens,hypocrisy and envy, are the most rightfully despised of all humancharacteristics. Liars are, usually, interesting. Fools can bequite entertaining. And a greedy man might make you rich, even ifonly by chance or mistake. But the do-gooder is always a bore andsometimes a tyrant. Good intentions, along with her handmaidens,hypocrisy and envy, are the most rightfully despised of all humancharacteristics. Liars are, usually, interesting. Fools can bequite … Read more

The Truth About Getting A Memphis Attorney


Getting a Memphis attorney to help you handle a legal procedureis wise. One particular field of expertise that you will needassistance is the personal injury lawsuits. The Personal injury lawhas a broad area of legal practice with the intent of protectingthe rights of an individual injured as a consequence ofanother’s negligence.In Memphis, the personal injury claims include mobile accidentslike car, truck, motorcycle, bus, boat, aviation or helicopter. Italso includes accidents at work like construction accidents, slipand falls, and dangerous premise accidents.Everyday accidents like dog bites, … Read more

5 Reasons Why Restraining Orders are Issued


There are a variety of reasons one would request a restrainingorder and in a divorce action, they are more common than you mightthink. In most jurisdictions, parties are entitled to a restrainingorder if there are 2-3 events, the most recent of which must havebeen within a recent proximity to filing your request for a TRO.You are unlikely to receive a restraining order if the incident forwhich you are complaining occurred last year or even 6 months ago.The court is looking for proximity of time as … Read more

Fixodent and Super Poligrip Denture Cream Lawsuits Move Closer to Trial


(1888PressRelease) On March 31, 2010 attorneys involved in SuperPoligrip/Fixodent Denture Cream litigation will appear before JudgeSandra Moss, in Philadelphia to discuss discovery issues to movethe cases closer to trialNew York, NY – On February 18, 2010, Glaxo “GSK” announced that itwould stop manufacturing, marketing and advertising Super PoliGripdenture cream products containing zinc. Procter & Gamble, “PG”,which manufactures Fixodent has not followed suit.On March 31, 2010, lawyers from around the country who have filedlawsuits on behalf of people who suffered severe neurologicalinjuries from the use of … Read more

Maxwell, Turner & Associates receives high ratings and reviews


(1888PressRelease)Maxwell, Turner & Associates has recentlypassed the 2010 Financial Recovery Assessment Review (F.R.A.R.)with Flying colors!! Grading Above Average in all categoriesincluding recovery rate, consumer relations, complaints responseand other important categories.Fresno, CA – Maxwell, Turner & Associates, Inc. a consumer andcommercial asset recovery firm principally located in Fresno Calif.has just recently passed the 2010 Financial Recovery AssessmentReview (commonly referred to as the F.R.A.R) with high markings inall major categories.The F.R.A.R. is an annual inspection of several thousand financialrecovery institutes throughout North America. Companies are gradedon several … Read more

Team Too Termite & Pest Control Responds to Misleading Press Release By Competitors


(1888PressRelease) Family owned and operated Team Too Termite& Pest Control took on a battle of David vs. Goliath in thepest management industry. Threats of lawsuits, false accusations toregulatory officials, and unethical business practices forced TeamToo Termite & Pest Control to stand firm on their moralsagainst TPE Associates and Thermapure.Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA – Team Too Termite & Pest Control aleader in providing alternative solutions to pest problems and thepest management industry became the subject of vicious attacks fromwithin it’s own industry by TPE Associates and … Read more

Information on Law Suit Cash Advance Cases


There are many law firms to go to when looking for a law suitcash advance. It can be difficult to choose the best place to goto. Some people choose to rely on friends or might like one TV addover another. The best place to look though is online. Anyinformation a person needs is there.Some people only like to listen to their friends’ opinionswhen it comes to legal advice. This can be a good way to find alawyer that is personable and familiar. These can be … Read more

Strategies For Mobile Notary Signing


If you are a notary signing agent, you may perhaps wonder whatthe best strategies to improve your business are. There are severalthings you have to know in order to make your job more profitablein no time. A new mobile notary signing needs to gain sufficientexperience in order to be able to become a full time agent.The first thing you have to do is to take action. The signingservices will not call you only because you are a notary signingagent. In the case you have decided … Read more

Becoming A Mobile Notary And Growing Your Business


A notary public is the official that is witness to anindividual’s signature on several documents or thatrepresents the state in some other legal matters. The mostwidespread use of the notary public is the verification and signingof the documents that a person can sign on free will. The notariescan charge some extra fees if they are traveling to the destinationmentioned by the client and that’s what a mobile notarydoes.There are several things a state will require from a person inorder to become a mobile notary. The … Read more