What Is The Role Of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery In Weight Loss?

Over time, there has been a growing concern about obesity or being overweight. Moreover, its prevalence is steadily rising each year. Furthermore, it can result in severe ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and certain forms of cancer. Although methods such as diet and exercise are typically successful in promoting weight loss, however in severely obese individuals, the outcomes may be unsatisfactory. In such cases, weight loss surgeries can be of great help. Therefore, bariatric surgery is now seen as a valuable … Read more

Get Started with Pölsterli: The Fun and Easy Weight Loss App

Time to start that diet Are you looking for a hassle-free way to track your weight loss journey? Pölsterli is here to help! This innovative app simplifies weight management, making it enjoyable and straightforward. Here’s how Pölsterli can transform your weight loss experience: Daily Weight Tracking Made Simple Pölsterli allows you to enter your weight daily, turning weight management into a simple, everyday habit. This consistent tracking helps you stay aware of your progress and make informed decisions about your diet and exercise routines. Accurate … Read more

Healthy Dieting Tips


When it comes to dieting you will find all kinds of crazy and faddish diets on the market today. In addition to the many diets there seems to be every kind of diet aid you can imagine. From shakes the diet industry has evolved to include everything from candy bars and pudding to pills and patches. Each item makes the claim that it can help you drop those unwanted pounds quickly and easily. Well I can tell you for a fact there is very little … Read more

Keep Your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight


What’s the most popular New Year’s Resolution of all? It’s the resolution to lose weight , of course! What’s the one New Year’s Resolution that is most likely to be broken? Again , it’s the resolution to lose weight. There are dozens of diets available to help you reach your weight loss goal. There are low carb diets , low fat diets , high fiber diets , and liquid meal replacement diets. There are diets in which food is mailed to you each week and … Read more

How To Avoid Easter Excess


Millions of Britons have already begun dieting in order to loseweight in time for summer, but for many of us the supermarketshelves full of Easter chocolate temptations are just too enticingto ignore and even the best intentioned weight-loss efforts can beeasily derailed.There is no reason why you can’t enjoy chocolate at Easter– or any other time of the year – when you are tryingto lose weight, (although we’re not talking about munchingyour way through a whole bag of Easter eggs!) but the trick is togive … Read more

9 Ways to Effectively Monitor Your Weight Daily


Weighing yourself daily can be an effective way to track yourhealth, as long as you don’t become obsessed with the numbers.If you are trying to lose weight, then remember that permanentweight loss is a very gradual process that comes from healthy foodselection, portion control and exercise. Don’t allow yourself tojeopardize your health by trying to get the numbers to go downquickly through eating an unbalanced diet, working out excessivelyor succumbing to an eating disorder such as anorexia orbulimia.If you are trying to maintain a healthy … Read more

How not to lose weight!


Dan is passionate about helping others increase their fitnessand health through modification of lifestyle, exercise and eatingpatterns.In his great book Gold Medal Nutrition Glenn Cardwellhighlights ’10 dopey ways to lose weight’. He suggests for weight loss you do not:1. Restrict Fluids, Yes you do weigh less but you would overheatquicker and your muscles will work less efficiently. 2. ExcessiveSweating, don’t head towards the sauna even though you will lose upto 2 – 3 liters of sweat it will also have a negative effect onyour skills, … Read more

The ‘Exercise’ Diet: Keeping Healthy The Natural Way


Dieting fads come and go; from widely adopted regimes such asThe Atkins Diet – based on programming your body to burn fatrather than carbohydrates – to extreme single food choices such asthe ‘cabbage diet’, or even the ‘egg diet’recently promoted by advertising guru and renowned art collectorCharles Saatchi, and which also has undesirable windy sideeffects!But, the most sensible diet is one that is not based upon thelatest fad but rather on sustained balanced nutrition. Combine ahealthy diet with regular moderate exercise and you’re reallyonto a … Read more

7best tips for fast weight lose


There are numerous ways to lose weight fast and in this post weoutline the 7 best fast weight loss tips.1. Exercise is a must for fast weight lossEverybody knows this; exercise is a must for a fast weight loss.With exercise you achieve a lot of things. First you burn morecalories and lose weight faster, second you ensure that you willnot gain the weight back and third you provide your health withmany benefits. What is important is to exercise frequently and toincrease the duration of exercise … Read more

Practical Advices to Get Slim


In order to successfully reduce weight and get slim, you have toeat healthy food, you have to reduce your consume of fat andcarbohydrates and you have to exercise regularly. Here are somepractical measures to fulfill this goal:- Reduce the total amount of food you eat.- However, do not try to starve yourself. Eat regularly 4 (or 5)moderate meals each day. In this way your blood sugar level willnot drop to low amounts that hinder you in doing physicalactivities, and give you an impulse to over-eat.- … Read more